Gaël has directed and produced a series of shorts, feature films, documentaries and music videos over the past 15 years, and has been nominated for awards at different international film festivals such as Evcom, Petit Clap, Premier Plan, East London festival or Cambridge film festival
Luna "Personal Torture"
Girli "2 year Itch"
Producer/1st AD
Grace Davies "Another night"
Bethanie Hare "Minds under my skin"
Executive Producer
BTS shoot for July Jones "Air"
Trailer of the short film "Les Aleas"
"The Forgetters" - Director/Script Writter
Short film nominated at Petit Clap festival
BTS shoot for Fickle Friends & Dutchkidz
Shortfilm "Pure Freshness"
Director/DoP (Lockdown project)
"Un mariage presque parfait"
Director/ DoP